When you call to schedule the appointment, find out if the facility has a specialist with experience treating your condition. Also, check to see that the new specialist accepts your insurance type. Check with your insurance provider to determine coverage, especially if the visit is out of your network. Recommendations of friends and family members, or former patients can be helpful, as well. Check to see that they deliver high-quality care and outcomes, and have research programs that support development of new treatments.
If you don’t have a provider recommendation, look for providers who specialize in your condition and have experience delivering care. This is your choice, so don’t feel bad about looking for additional support in feeling confident about your care.įollow these tips from Mayo Clinic’s article, “Tips for Seeking Second Opinions With Cancer Care,” when seeking a second opinion: You also can seek out a second opinion on your own. If you are unsure what to do next in your treatment, you should be recommending a second opinion automatically.” Many times, your current doctor will be happy to recommend someone. Even though this is your choice and doesn’t need an explanation, it may be helpful to outline what you need to feel confident in your next steps and why talking to another doctor is important to you. You may be nervous about telling your current doctor you are interested in seeking a second opinion. Hopefully, that will increase your confidence on how best to proceed with your care. “He or she may be familiar with additional diagnostic tools and treatment options. “Getting a second opinion means having the added benefit of another expert weighing in on your situation with his or her knowledge and expertise,” says Lonnie Fynskov, a nurse educator for the Cancer Education Program at Mayo Clinic. Make decisions regarding your health after you have been thoroughly informed about your diagnosis, prognosis and available treatment options. Proactive decision-making will give you a greater degree of control over your treatment. Or your condition isn’t responding to the current treatment.Īccording to Mayo Clinic patient educators, taking the time to learn about your condition, and getting a second or third opinion is a reasonable approach. Maybe you don’t feel confident in your doctor’s ability to treat your condition, or you have a rare or unusual condition. There are many reasons why you want to seek another opinion during the course of your care. Getting a second opinion can help you feel more confident about your diagnosis and treatment plan. When dealing with a complex medical condition, the diagnosis, treatment and management can be complicated, and making decisions about your health care is important.